How Do I Do You?


Do I make you feel

as a teetotaller feels

when he takes a cup of beer?

Does my sight

warm your heart

or hurts your eyes

as gazing at the sun does?

Does my touch feel

like the raging sun on your skin

or like rain on the same?

Does my arms around you

make you feel in a safe haven

or does it make you feel

surrounded by thistles

fortified by summer?

Do you at my presence

feel like a caged bird

or like a bird set free?

How free do you feel?

Is it like a bird set free

with its feather to fly plucked?

Does your smile

as bright as the noon sun

define how you feel with me

or hide the same?

Does your heart

tingle or squirm?

Does your heart

scream to your lips

to take mine in captivity

or does it scream to your legs

to take over?

Do I do your precious life

as stars do the sky

or as feet do the river?

Do I

as water does fire

or as good soil does root

do you?

Here is a poem about love and curiosity. The questions could have sprung from doubt, suspicion etc. The poetic persona is asking his/her lover how he/she feels. Doing this, the poem is loaded with contrasting ideas. He/she wants to know if love exists in their relationship or all is a mere waste of time.

This poem is loaded with rhetorical questions and similes.

 Check out the 50 collected Poems of Imole Olusanya

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