Tattered wings of the eagle
Tattered fronds of the palm tree
Tattered leaves of the banana tree
Tattered shirts of kids playful.
Soaring happy eagles wheeling in the sky
Fruitful palm trees with nuts bountiful
Fecund banana trees with seeds plentiful
Gleeful toddlers filled with joy.
Tattered with joy
Betters perfection without
Flee from it
That deprives you of joy.
Here is a poem about life and lifestyle of some people. They prefer living with the little they have with joy than chasing wealth and losing joy. There a lot of people with riches and pains but this set of people that this poem focuses on choose to be tattered with joy.
This poem compares the lifestyle of these people with eagles having tattered wings yet soaring high than many birds, palm trees with tattered fronds yet with many nuts, banana trees with tattered leaves yet with many fruits and kids with tattered shirts yet gleeful and without worries.
In the last stanza, the poetic persona prefers tattered with joy to perfection without joy and warns everyone to flee from anything that deprives them of joy.
The poem is in three stanzas with each stanza consisting of four lines (a quatrain) and a rhyme scheme of abba.
The poetic devices in this poem include repetition and imagery.