Be it a friend like foe
be it a foe like friend
this to all applies
woe you are and to you is woe.
With your scent alluring, touch soothing
into my bosom you crept like poison ivy
out of your stem prickles advanced
and peace you made part ways with me.
You are the smoke
that even when I it chokes
on its pointe it spins
dancing wildly to my woes.
Be it a foe evolving
be it a full fledged foe
as the sky above the earth remains
so will I above you all remain.
Here is a poem about enemies of all sorts. The poetic persona compares them to creeping plants with alluring scent and soothing touch but eventually take peace away from him, for example, poison ivy causes serious itchy skin and discomfort. In the third stanza, they are compared to smoke that dances as the person it chokes gradually dies. The last stanza concludes the poem as the poetic persona says he will always remain above every enemy, be it a developing enemy or one that has fully developed.
The poem is in four stanzas with each stanza having four lines (a quatrain). The poetic devices include anaphora, repetition, metaphor, analogy/simile, personification, and imagery.
Check out the 50 collected Poems of Imole Olusanya #