Showing posts from May, 2022

How Do I Do You?

Do I make you feel as a teetotaller feels when he takes a cup of beer? Does my sight warm your …

We Live By Their Call

It is dawn and the little monkey is thirsty he drinks on with no ear for the evils da da dum he d…

Hello, Sir Sleep

During the day you tease some You tease them till they drool; During your formal hours You beco…

Woe to Foe

Be it a friend like foe be it a foe like friend this to all applies woe you are and to you is w…

Tattered With Joy

Tattered wings of the eagle Tattered fronds of the palm tree Tattered leaves of the banana tree…


Peace is the sun rising              in the morn              with hues the eyes relook          …

Take a Break

If sun never takes a pause The world might be full of flaws If day never ceases a while The wor…

Our Favourite

The email he received today is marked urgent. But it's from a friend who died two years ago…

April Fools

The footsteps following me sounded closer. I ran through the empty corridors of the hospital, m…

Why Not Go Astray?

Robed in soil Blood boil Yelling hunger and dear monger Why this maddening anger? Why sue her w…

Cheers to Tears

His eyeballs were fireballs they blaze like a live coal his firm lips as dark as a charcoal when …

The Modelling Star

Jealousy comes in rank. People get jealous and it is normal but there are just the abnormalitie…

The Less Privileged

Pretty petty flowers by pathways With no flowerpot or caretaker Smacked by the seething sun Whipp…

Writer quote

Find me in between the lines of my writings. I am entwined with the words My experiences are fi…

Baby Mama

A scene from 'Baby Mama' (Ewatomi is preparing lunch in the kitchen. Iremide enters wit…

The Ordeal of a Special Child

I was in heaven. I was in the care of my creator. He showered me with all his love and attention …

Just Published!

Now on Amazon! This collection of poems is made up of 50 poems. It is in two parts. The first par…

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